09-28-16 - Faster than light communications? Spooky action at a distance revisited

Doug Wind presents:

"Is it possible for faster than light communications? Spooky action at a distance revisited."

The Science, Technology and Nature get-together,

This Wednesday

September ​28th​ ​@ 11:00am to 1:00pm Community room,

Puente Viejo on Calzada de la Aurora #52

​Puente Viejo is a gated community, but the guard typically lets you walk or drive through. If not, sign in.

Any problem, have them call David McClintock - 415-112-5202 or Doug Wind 415-109-4627

SMA SciTechNature ​is ​also on Facebook

L​inks to news of ​last week:

Science Documentary 2016: The Math Mystery Mathematics in Nature and Universe - YouTube

Science Documentary - Quantum Universe and Entanglement Documentary - YouTube

Gene-y in a Bottle | Big Picture Science

Giant Green Space Blob Mystery Solved

Beam me up Scotty! Quantum teleportation of a particle of light six kilometers: Distance record set for teleporting a photon over a fiber network -- ScienceDaily


Stephen Goodfellow