03-03-20 Homeopathy - For: Roger Barr - Against: Doug Wind


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Terra Mizwa:

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Roger Barr


Why Homeopathy is Not Placebo Effect

“Microbiologist Carl Woese, ... observed that, unlike electrons, cells have a history - something like memories of what they have metabolized in the past. Those “memories” are encoded not in the cells’ DNA but somewhere else ..., so it may be misguided to think in terms of swapping genetic programs in and out of cell “bags.” The willingness of a physicist like Garcia Martin, to talk about the “memories” and “interests” of biological systems is surprising. But it reflects a larger shift among synthetic biologists away from a belief in the fundamentally mechanical nature of life.”

From the Sept 17, 2018, The New Yorker magazine article, Busy Bodies, what termites are teaching us, by Amia Srinivasan:

A. Some forces of nature that science can’t explain

Recognized by their effects

B. Homeopathy is recognized by its effects on living beings

C. Definition of Homeopathy: Like Cures Like

D. How conventional medicine uses (bad) homeopathy: Examples

E. Potentization: Serial dilution for greater efficacy of remedies

F. Placebo accusation

G. Placebos have generally temporary & limited effects

H. Homeopathy has 200 yr history of well-documented cures

I. My personal experiences

J. Limitations of Clinical Trials

K. Differs from Placebo because

1. Works in a test tube

2. Works on animals, babies, plants & comatose

3. Aggravation of symptoms before cure

4. Homeopathic “proving” - repeatable scientific experiment on healthy volunteers

5. Treat acute conditions

6. Treat chronic conditions

L. Summary conclusion

M. If there is time, my speculation on a “mechanism” for homeopathy

Doug Wind


The case against Homeopathy:

Where is the burden of evidence?

Presentation (if time allows)

The Webb Space Telescope


Links (Admins note: At the end of the Homeopathic debate, results by vote of hands roughly translated to: 1/2 thought Homeopathy wasn't science 1/4 thought the fat lady hasn't sung yet 1/4 thought it was a valid science)

Roger Barr's Links:This site has 1200+ studies


Here is the Homeopathic Education Services site, by Dana Ullman, with information on research:


New England School of Homeopathy https://nesh.com/

Doug Wind's Links

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?


Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi


NEW! Membership suggested links:

STN member SUSAN NEUBECK - Scientists grow date palm plants from 2,000-year-old seeds


STN Member Helen Rivas-Rose - Spectacular photos: Universe seen by NASA's Spitzer space telescope | News-photos – Gulf News



Location & Time: Tuesdays, 11:30am to 1:30pm

Quinta Loreto Hotel, Cjon. de Loreto 15, Centro, Zona Centro, 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

From Cjon. de Loreto, enter the Mercado de Artisanias alley (East, going up-hill) about twenty yards and turn to your left into the Hotel Quinta Loreto compound.

The community center is on the Southeast side of the little central park. If you are coming by car, there is a parking lot within the compound.

(The community center is in the same location as the Philosophical get-together which is held on Fridays.)

A 50 pesos donation is suggested.


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...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



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Stephen Goodfellow