11-28-15 - The CRISPR Cas9 Hubhub...

Dear SciTechNature members,

​CRISPR Cas9 enzyme​

A significant number of members who do not use Facebook have been asking for more information on the growing CRISPR Cas9 phenomenon.

Why the interest? Because this new paradigm implies, "How long do you want to live?" Rather than, "When are you going to die?"

Here are three Articles from respectable publications, an introductory primer to share with you so you don't have to feel like a deer in the headlights of the oncoming future:

Washington Post

Everything you need to know about why CRISPR is such a hot technology

Huffington Post

How Controversial Gene Editing Could Lead To Groundbreaking Cures

Scientific American

China's Bold Push into Genetically Customized Animals

In my opinion this revolutionary discovery is more significant than the landing on the Moon and the advent of the Web rolled together. Indeed, on par with our manipulation of fire.

See you this Wednesday!


Stephen Goodfellow

P.S.; If you do use Facebook and are interested, ask for membership access to the CRISPR Cas9 group; it will be granted.