San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom
Tuesday, 02/27/24, 11:30am CST time

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am  (San Miguel de Allende Time), 12:30pm on EST time.
Passcode (if required): 652662
Zoom link:

This Tuesday (02/27/24) -  Topics sensationalized!:
Baddest Force on the Planet - Bernie's Astro for March - Larry's Comments Feb 27 - STN member Hameed Faridani, Largest COVID Vaccine Study Ever  - Pee, why is it yellow? - Syphilis Myth Debunked - Accelerating drug development - Stuck on a Cruise Ship 9 Months - Microdosing LSD - How did work shape our society - Rural communities greater risk of radon - Natural compound new treatment for colon cancer - Hacking Viruses To Fight Climate change - Doctors Concerned About Neuralink's First Patient - Living in a  Boeing 737  - Ancient Amazonian Cities revealed by LIDAR - Ants beat Lions - Giant new snake species - Dazzling New Species of Eyelash Vipers Discovered - A guy really geeked on the coming solar eclipse - Listening to the Dark side of the Moon, and its mysterious seismic activity - US lands on Moon after 50 years...sideways - Google Gemini goes Woke - AI machines, Thoughts and Feelings? - AI goes wild, text to video - AFTER Nuclear War? - The Mutant Wolves of Chernobyl - Search for more temperate Tatooines - Alps’ Ice To Shrink 34% by 2050 - Deep Ocean Discovery Changes Our Understanding of Earth - Small Modular Nuclear Reactors - Public Domain Maps, Illustrations and Art.
If you've been awe-struck and feel generous, here's my $$$ PayPal $$$

STN member Hameed Faridani

Bernie's Astro for March

Bernie March 24 wumar24

Larry's Comments Feb 27

Stuff for Feb 27.pdf

SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Caminos de Agua
...Because in semi-arid San Miguel de Allende water is REALLY important



Stephen Goodfellow