07-13-16 - The Argument for Thorium Reactors

Presentation by David Johanssen:

Nuclear energy is powerful, but it can look bad, given persistent waste storage issues and the threat of proliferation.

So when the topic of thorium nuclear energy comes up at a party, or in a webpage comment string, it elicits angry dismissals, or heaps of praise.

The idea of building small, thorium-based nuclear reactors – thought to be dramatically safer, cheaper, cleaner and terror-proof than our current catalog of reactors – can be shooed away as fringe by some.


Links from last week (Which no one got to see, due to the WiFi being unavailable,)

Solar System

UT-from-space-probe-greatredspot.jpg (1825×1190)

Solar system to scale.jpg (3240×3240)

Use this Solar Eruptions, Solar Wind Watch, Weather | S0 News Jul.6.2016 - YouTube

image mercury-glob-map-meessenger.jpg (1777×1000)

Image Mercury_Globe-MESSENGER_mosaic_centered_at_0degN-0degE.jpg (2147×2147)

Video - Mercury & Venus: Two most hostile planets - YouTube

Video Planet Earth | Birth of the Earth - HD Documentary 2014 - YouTube

Giant Planet Jupiter LOW AUDIO - New 2015 - YouTube

Image Earth

earth rotating into night HD - YouTube

Earth's interior and plate tectonics - YouTube

Plate Tectonics in action - YouTube

Earth Ocean Floor - YouTube

Neal Adams - Science: 01 - Conspiracy: Earth is Growing! - YouTube

Video Planet Mars Discovery | Full Documentary HD - YouTube

mars-globe-valles-marineris-enhanced.jpg (4798×4798)

Saturn_from_Cassini_Orbiter_(2007-01-19).jpg (4088×2908)

Sternwarte_1-05_Saturn.jpg (2200×1100)

Animation slide show Saturn | in 4K Resolution - YouTube

neptune.jpg (1600×1598)

rings 2007-0823uranus11.jpg (1024×819)

Neptune_Full.jpg (2200×2200)


The Science, Technology and Nature get-together,

This Wednesday July13th @ 11:00am to 1:00pm

Community room, Puente Viejo on Calzada de la Aurora #52

Puente Viejo is a guarded community. The guard typically lets you walk or drive through. If not, sign in. Any problem, have them call David McClintock - 415-112-5202 or Doug Wind 415-109-4627

(Doug Wind, our chief presenter, is presently on holiday, so an assortment of members will carry the banner until he returns. To be added or removed from this list, please contact: stephen.goodfellow@gmail.com)