06-28-17 Building Blocks of the Universe and Origin of Life


This Wednesday:

Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe

Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth

Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe: According to our best theories of physics, the fundamental building blocks of matter are not particles, but continuous fluid-like substances known as 'quantum fields'. David Tong explains what we know about these fields, and how they fit into our understanding of the Universe.

Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth:

Four and a half billion years ago, the young Earth was a hellish place—a seething chaos of meteorite impacts, volcanoes belching noxious gases, and lightning flashing through a thin, torrid atmosphere. Then, in a process that has puzzled scientists for decades, life emerged. But how? Mineralogist Robert Hazen as he journeys around the globe. From an ancient Moroccan market to the Australian Outback, he advances a startling and counter-intuitive idea—that the rocks beneath our feet were not only essential to jump-starting life, but that microbial life helped give birth to hundreds of minerals we know and depend on today. It's a theory of the co-evolution of Earth and life that is reshaping the grand-narrative of our planet’s story.


The Science, Technology and Nature get-together,

This Wednesday, June 28th @ 11:00am to 1:00pm Community ​​

Room,​​ Puente Vie​​jo on Calzada de la Aurora #52

​Puente Viejo is a gated community, but the guard typically lets you walk or drive through. If not, sign in.

Any problem, have them call David McClintock - 415-112-5202 Our get-together is also on Facebook.

Link and comments from last event:

Ring, Ring: 'Earth? It's space calling, on the quantum line' -- ScienceDaily

New evidence that all stars are born in pairs | Berkeley News

Jupiter is the oldest planet in the Solar System

Scientists Used CRISPR to Reverse Huntington's Disease in Mice


(11) Meet Your Microbiome! - YouTube

(9) Claire Fraser - The Human Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease - YouTube

San Miguel Literary Sala, A.C. : Sign Up to Stay in Touch

Link to John Wharton's Shelter presentations:


Link to Robert Lerner's i3sma's presentations:


See you there!


Stephen Goodfellow