Tom Schneider 07-26-17

Rotarians and Friends,

After two years of planning with the local peace group Camino de la Paz, the two Rotary Clubs in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico will dedicate a peace pole.

On 2 August at 4pm the San Miguel Peace Pole Unveiling will start in the central Parque Juarez with an Indigenous shaman blessing and local Otomi traditional dancing. The Peace Walk at 5:30 will feature 193 nation flags carried by children to the Jardin, the literal and spiritual center of San Miguel. At 6:30, more Inaugurationspeeches will take place.

See the description and pictures below. The special cantera stone is in keeping with the UNESCO World Heritage look of this Mexican "Magic City".

Recently San Miguel was voted 2017 "Best City in the World" by readers of Travel and Leisure Magazine. It only seems fitting that the "best" include a symbol of hope and peace. On 21st September, a 50 year time capsule will be sealed into the wide base next to the peace pole. It will contain 500 children's written hope or vision of peace in 50 years.

For more information on travel and accommodations contact Rotarians:

English: Spanish:

Tom Schneider Franciso M Arino

MX: 415-109-7688 MX: 415-102-6381

US: 541-729-1263

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