San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom Get-Togethers
Tuesday, 08/23/22, 11:30am SMA time.

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am (San Miguel de Allende Time), 12:30pm EST
Passcode (if required): 652662
Zoom link:

This Tuesday (08/23/22) - Topics sensationalized!:

- Rat Race - Old folks, sitting and Dementia? Depends - Food Allergies and the Microbiome - Your mindset may make you live longer - um Disease and Alzheimer’s Discovered - Eye test and children with autism - 40,000 years of music - Magnet stuff - Mini engine - Google VR goggles - DIY it yourself space suit - Dems live longer - Megaflood for California coming? - Arctic Is Warming Up 4 Times Than The Rest Of The World - Great Barrier Reef Comeback - Pacific Garbage Patch is a new ecosystem - Time - Brine Pools - Bye, bye Civilization? - Science Hoaxes, Spoofs, and Nerd Jokes - That fussy Gravitational Constant - Fly “zombie” slave - Extinct shark Otodus megalodon was a Monster - 4 Billion-Year-Old Crust Underneath Australia - James Webb, more "I told you so!" - Europa Clipper Spacecraft getting assembled for Europa - Artemis I Moon Rocket getting ready - Earth's intransigent magnetic field.

Today's links:
3 mins - Rat Race (animation)

Larry's COVID data crunch:

What older adults do while they sit affects dementia risk, study indicates

Scientists Reverse Food Allergies by Targeting the Microbiome

Harvard Researchers Discover That People With This Type of Mindset Live Longer

Surprising Link Between Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s Discovered

Eye test could screen children for autism

8 mins - 40,000 years of music explained in 8 minutes

10 mins - YouTuber Shows How You Can Boil Water Using Just Magnets

China Has Unveiled The World's Strongest Magnet - 1 Million Times Stronger Than The Earth's Magnetic Core

Scientists Have Made A New Chemistry Breakthrough That Will Allow Them To Extract Oxygen From Water Using Magnets

YouTuber Creates A 4-Cylinder Engine That Weighs Only 3 Pounds - And Works Just Like A Normal One

This New VR Goggle Prototype Is The Size Of Normal Glasses

YouTuber Shows How You Could Make An Actual Space Suit From Duct Tape

A “Mortality Gap” – Republicans Are Dying at a Higher Rate Than Democrats

Scientists Have Warned Of A Huge Megaflood That Could Drown California

8 mins - The Arctic Is Warming Up 4 Times Than The Rest Of The World - And We Should Be Worried

The Great Barrier Reef Has Just Made A Massive Comeback

14 mins - Plastic Pollution In The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Created Something Incredible - YouTube

Does Time Exist? How Do We Know?

12 minutes - The Secret Life of Brine Pools - YouTube

12 mins - Is Civilization on the Brink of Collapse? - YouTube

16 mins - The Best Science Hoaxes, Spoofs, and Nerd Jokes (500k subs celebration) - YouTube

Not Accurate Enough: Scientists Remeasure the Gravitational Constant

STN member Tom Schneider - The extinct shark Otodus megalodon was a transoceanic superpredator: Inferences from 3D modeling

Behold this award-winning image of fungus making a fly its “zombie” slave | Ars Technica

Scientists Discover a 4-Billion-Year-Old Ancient Piece of Earth’s Crust Underneath Western Australia

[Stephen Goodfellow] I've been waiting for the pushback, wondering how the Big Bang cosmology community were going to respond, because for almost an entire month now, you could hear a pin drop. Some quick thoughts on the article:
First, notice that the article does not give any detail as to the controversy that the James Webb Space Telescope brought forth, treating the reader as if they weren't intelligent enough to grasp these slight complications that the deep field images have revealed.
Secondly, likely due to poor research, the article piles onto Eric Lerner, only one of many critics of the Big Bang.
The article is a sloppy 'pappa knows best' defense, showing no actual content:
No, James Webb Space Telescope Images Do Not Debunk the Big Bang

10 mins - James Webb Telescope Shatters Records! Discovers Dozens of New Galaxies! - YouTube

4 mins - Webb Telescope detects Object older than The Big Bang, Current theories fail to explain this. - YouTube

9 mins - "Our Physics Is Broken" - JWST - YouTube

4 mins - BREAKING Laws of PHYSICS: - JWST's Confusing ‘Schrodinger's Galaxy Candidate’ Baffles Scientists - YouTube

Assembly of NASA’s Europa Clipper Spacecraft Kicks Into High Gear

NASA’s Artemis I Moon Rocket Arrives at Launch Pad Ahead of Historic Mission

13 mins - Lucky Event 550 Million Years Ago Saved Earth From Turning Into Mars Like Desert - YouTube

Astronomer Bernie Reim gives us his August heads-up. Go to this delicious mind-candy here on our site.

The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


Caminos de Agua


SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow