03-20-18 Equinox Plasma crash course Ball Lightning


Welcome to SciTechNature get-togethers


Charco del Ingenio Solar Observatory

Greetings fellow SciTechNature enthusiasts,

For the sake of continuity, the regular SciTechNature get-together WILL take place on Tuesday at 11:30am at our Loreto location. Scroll down for more information.


...However, for those of you who are interested, I highly recommend Astronomer Phyllis Pitluga's Spring Equinox presentation, as viewed from the tropical latitude of San Miguel at the Charco del Ingenio, which takes place at the same time as our regular get-together.

Some car pooling is taking place from our Loreto community space at 11:00am, so if you have a car and would like to help, please contact me at this email address.

Astronomer Phyllis Pitluga's Spring Equinox presentation


Tuesday, March 20th

Start time is 11:30 meet at Charco del Ingenio , Plaza de Cuatro Vientos (Plaza of 4 winds).

Program: Phyllis Pitluga will give the geological history of San Miguel by pointing out landscape features in the sequence that they appeared, starting 100 million years ago up to today.

Just before noon, a walk up into the Solar Observatory for Phyllis' public presentation about the equinox as viewed from the tropical latitude of San Miguel demonstrated between noon and 1pm.

1-1:30 More geology and Rob Lerner will present a biology presentation.

Admission for non-members is 50 pesos for a whole day of exploration.

The food available in their cafeteria is very nutritious and delicious.

To get to the botanical garden, go to the glorieta (traffic circle) up by Liverpool/Soriana and exit on the road just before Auto Zone. Take that road to your right and continue to where it dead ends. Turn left and then right at the road where there is a sign to Charco del Ingenio Jardin Botanico. Continue to the end to their parking lot. Enter through the gate and into the bookstore where you will pay admission. Continue through the far door into the dining area and then follow a path down toward the lake and follow signs to the Plaza. Go left on the walkway that points to the Plaza de Cuatro Vientos.


For those of you not going to the Charco Equinox:

Plasma Crash Course | The Black Hole thingee | Ball Lightning | Sprites

Location & Time:

Tuesdays, 11:30am to 1:30pm

Quinta Loreto Hotel, Cjon. de Loreto 15, Centro, Zona Centro, 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

From Cjon. de Loreto, enter the Mercado de Artisanias alley (East, going up-hill) about twenty yards and turn to your left into the Hotel Quinta Loreto compound.

The community center is on the Southeast side of the little central park. If you are coming by car, there is a parking lot within the compound.

(The community center is in the same location as the Philosophical get-together which is held on Fridays.)

A 50 pesos donation is suggested.



********SMA Science Book Club: Wed. March 21


This week's Presentation, Stephen Goodfellow:

The state of matter which you never heard of in school, Plasma Crash Course

Dissenting voices, About that Black Hole thingee

The mysterious case of Ball Lightning

The highest lightning: Sprites


Links from last week:

Raging Cyclones and Jet Streams on Jupiter Perplex Scientists

Cyclones Encircle Jupiter's North Pole

Jupiter's Southern Exposure in Infrared

See How Massive Solar Eruptions Send Powerful Shock Waves Through Space


The other SMA Science Group

i³: Ideas that Inform and Inspire - Join mailing list ********

The SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Link to John Wharton's Shelter Space; an excellent source of SciTechNature trace elements:sheltervg4.com



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


Stephen Goodfellow