San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom
Tuesday, 03/19/24, 11:30am CST time

Reminder - First Thursday STN get-together, Noon at the Geek

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am  (San Miguel de Allende Time), 12:30pm on EST time.
Passcode (if required): 652662
Zoom link:

This Tuesday (03/19/24) -  Topics sensationalized!:
Cows do virtual reality - Re-entry on video - Larry's Comments 03/19/24 - Dead? Offer your  body to the "Cremulator" - More nice things about Ketamine - More nice things about Broccoli - AI food display - Yeah, sorry; 8-hour intermittent fasting doesn't work - Medication collision - Bad: Excessive sitting - Shock therapy - Chinese railgun - Houthi rebels win the blockade war. How? - Meat vats - DNA hacking, Cow milk with insulin - Our near-extinction 900.000 years ago - Science and The mystery of consciousness - Dog face licking -  Indian Ocean; discovered Coral Superhighway - Iceland volcano, now - Time machine map; when NOT to go back - Oceans; where'd all that water come from? - Human=Humanoid Robot Full-Body Teleportation  - Robot tech moving faster than expected - Blurring your home on Google Maps - AI teaches AI - Elon Musk releases open source AI - Universe craziness, several articles - Global climate change, several articles - Battery prices fall - Dinosaur killing Asteroid aftermath - Ocean Watch.

If you've been awe-struck and feel generous, here's my $$$ PayPal $$$

STN member Hugh Hutner 

Larry's Comments 03/19/24

Stuff for March 19.pdf

STN member Susan L Neubeck 

AI Noodle Bowl

SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Caminos de Agua
...Because in semi-arid San Miguel de Allende water is REALLY important



Stephen Goodfellow