Pat Sommer 10-2-18 Thoughts on Alzheimer

Pat writes:

The video conflated Alzheimers with other forms of dementia. Without specifically addressing prevention of amyloid plaques/tau, the advice to increase perfusion of the brain, reduce chronic inflammation and enhance brain plasticity is central to slowing brain aging.

Diet affects perfusion and inflammation.

Their advice to increase vegetable intake/ decrease processed carbs is in line with current recommendations. Where they veered off best available science is in recommending a low carb diet:

Metabolic Syndrome & Plant-Based Diets |

Rapid weight loss ( low carb diet) reduces blood cholesterol and fasting blood sugar. Heroine addiction can do the same. Not a viable long term strategy for brain profusion.

Mediterranean Diet was showcased for its high fat content. Current analysis of traditional med diet credits vegetable/grain content not the fat nor the fish for its benefits according to Havard Medical School, Mayo Clinic.

Video neglected to mention the dietary source of Advanced Glycation End Products:

"Animal derived foods that are high in fat and protein are generally AGE-rich and are prone to further AGE formation during cooking" according to Wikipedia.

Reducing Glycotoxin Intake to Prevent Alzheimer’s |

A recent line of inquiry into the explosion of Dementia in developed nations (high carb traditional populations relatively immune)

Is copper toxicity.

Alzheimer's disease causation by copper toxicity and treatment with zinc. - PubMed - NCBI

