San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom
Get-Togethers Tuesday, 07/04/23, 11:30am CST time

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am  (San Miguel de Allende Time), 12:30pm EST
Passcode (if required): 652662
Zoom link:

This Tuesday (07/04/23) -  Topics sensationalized!:

The "Alpha Male" myth -  Larry's Comments - AI; what is a "Corpus" -  Consciousness -  Tinnitus  (Again) - Earth's spin axis drifting -  Funnel Web Spiders, Bill Warren investigates - Pfizer and placebos-  Ice Age end? - Little Ice Age and Tropical climate - Salt dust melting Uta's snowmelt - Gravitational Humm - Drug pairing nixes pancreatic cancer - Antibiotic pairing fights malaria - New molecule for toothpaste - Genetic discovery to prevent blindness - In a green space will add 2.5 years to your life - Triggering lucid dreaming on command - When did primates start cuffing the carrot? - Lasers and snow crystals - Drones, California & Mosquitos - Australia, possums, mosquitos and flesh-eating diseases - Fukushima's 'UPS!'being dumped into the ocean - Indiana Jones & the Kythera device - The next pandemic will be more fun - Chinese spy balloon...wasn't - Armageddon, the settlement - Nuclear WWIII? not good - Interesting deadly chemistry - SpaceX launch highlights - Time slower in early universe? - A bunch of AI stuff - Gas station vapes - Neanderthals milled flour - Laser death ray against weeds - Mars chopper 'phoned home' - Troll scam callers with AI - A mysterious Russian Island - Mysteries of the Twilight Zone
If you've been awe-struck and feel generous, here's my $$$ PayPal $$$

 Hameed Faridani - 2 Leading Theories of Consciousness 

STN member Bill Warren

STN member Bill Warren

Larry's comments

stuff for July 4.pdf

STN member Bill Warren

STN member Bill Warren

Bill Warren, 070423 - funnel web spiders in Texas

STN member Bill Kajeck

STN member Bill Krajec

The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook


SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Caminos de Agua
...Because in semi-arid San Miguel de Allende water is REALLY important



Stephen Goodfellow