07-17-18 Dworsky - Benfords Law - Lerner Future Food


Welcome to SciTechNature get-togethers

Intros | News with Terra Mizwa & Stephen Goodfellow

Rob Lerner: “The Future of Seafood and Meat.”

Lawrence Dworsky: "Benford's Law - some curious statistics about the world we live in. This would be about 40 minutes, no real math to give headaches, entertaining."

Location & Time:Tuesdays, 11:30am to 1:30pm

Quinta Loreto Hotel, Cjon. de Loreto 15, Centro, Zona Centro, 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

From Cjon. de Loreto, enter the Mercado de Artisanias alley (East, going up-hill) about twenty yards and turn to your left into the Hotel Quinta Loreto compound.

The community center is on the Southeast side of the little central park. If you are coming by car, there is a parking lot within the compound.

(The community center is in the same location as the Philosophical get-together which is held on Fridays.)

A 50 pesos donation is suggested.



SMA Science Book Club news



Links from last week:

Plastic Pollution: How Humans are Turning the World into Plastic


Neil deGrasse Tyson: Dark Matter, Dark Gravity, Ghost Particles, & the Essence of All Objects


...I have so many other links that I though interesting, but had no the time to present them, so I'll place them here:

A high-energy neutrino has been traced to its galactic birthplace


STELLAR nurseries


Where Do Stars Come From? | Nebula and Stellar Nurseries


Could Alien Civilizations Predict the Fate of Our Planet?


Stability of Earth: Scientists propose solution to 'Gaia puzzle'


Mike Pore's "Uncertainty is the only way forward."


The other SMA Science Group

i³: Ideas that Inform and Inspire - Join mailing list ********

The SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Link to John Wharton's Shelter Space; an excellent source of SciTechNature trace elements:sheltervg4.com



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


Stephen Goodfellow