San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom
Get-Togethers Tuesday, 02/14/23, 11:30am SMA time

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This Tuesday (02/14/23) - Topics sensationalized!:

Playing animals - Larry COVID data and comments - Most Long COVID Effects Resolve Within a Year - The Quest to Find Rectangles in a Square - The neuroscience of loving music - Our Reality May Be a Sum of All Possible Realities - Sports Cars, Small Penis Size - NASA Has Mapped Earthquake -  New Buildings Collaps in the  Turkey Earthquake - New Earthquake Prediction Model Unveiled - $100 million fund for big medical breakthroughs - Does Intermittent Fasting Actually Work?  - Mushrooms Discovered To Magnify Memory by Boosting - Borders changed by changing rivers - Greenland, Hottest in 1000 Years - Peru's Ancient Solar Observatory - Largest Penguin That Ever Lived - Largest Dinosaurs Ever - Arthropods collectively weigh a butt load -  2.9-million-year-old butchery site - Humans in Spain 200,000 years earlier - Will Your Dog Answer wolves? - Smartwatch powered by slime - World's Wealthiest May Actually Be Less Intelligent - What's Going Wrong in Particle Physics? - China Spots An Unknown Flying Object - Shootin' Balloons - A ‘Weaponized’ Starlink - AI Text to 4D - Copyright Case with Big Implications for U.S. Tech Innovation -  A.I. to replace half of all US jobs - GPT to Have adverse environmental impacts - ChatGPT’s Stunning Results on the US Medical Licensing Exam - ChatGPT Is Just A High-Tech Tool For Plagiarism - Exams ChatGPT Has Passed So Far - AI Has Outwits Human Players In the game 'Diplomacy'.

If you've been awe-struck and feel generous, here's my $$$ PayPal $$$

Today's links:

Do All Animals Play? - YouTube

Larry's COVID Data and Commentary

Good News: Most Long COVID Effects Resolve Within a Year After a Mild Infection

STN member Bill Warren - The Quest to Find Rectangles in a Square - In the Media | Institute for Advanced Study

7 mins - The neuroscience of loving music - Big Think

How Our Reality May Be a Sum of All Possible Realities | Quanta Magazine

Scientists Officially Link Sports Cars to Small Penis Size

NASA Has Mapped The Extent Of The Turkey-Syria Earthquake -

Why Even New Buildings Collapsed During the Turkey Earthquakes

Revolutionizing Disaster Prevention: New Earthquake Prediction Model Unveiled by Scientists

6 mins -The $100 million fund fostering the next big medical breakthroughs - YouTube

Does Intermittent Fasting Actually Work? Study Finds Meal Frequency Matters More Than Timing

Compound in Mushrooms Discovered To Magnify Memory by Boosting Nerve Growth

10 mins - Borders - BBC Reel

The Hottest in 1000 Years – Greenland’s Unprecedented Heat

7 mins -  Peru's Ancient Solar Observatory - YouTube

New Species Discovered: The Largest Penguin That Ever Lived

Belonging to Some of the Largest Dinosaurs Ever: Researchers Uncover 92 Fossil Nests

All The Arthropods That Call Earth's Land Home Weigh More Than Humans And Livestock : ScienceAlert

2.9-million-year-old butchery site reopens case of who made first stone tools: Discovery of stone tools and cut-marked animal bones in Kenya offers window into the dawn of stone technology -- ScienceDaily

Footprints indicate human were present in Spain 200,000 years earlier than previously thought - The Archaeology News Network

The Wilderness Is Calling – Will Your Dog Answer? Extraordinary Research on Dogs’ Reactions to Wolf Howls

Scientists create living smartwatch powered by slime

World's Wealthiest May Actually Be Less Intelligent Than Those Who Don't Earn As Much : ScienceAlert

22 mins - What's  Going Wrong in Particle Physics? (This is why I lost faith in science.) - YouTube

China Has Spotted An Unknown Flying Object And Is Considering shooting them down

20 mins - Shootin' Balloons: A History of Balloon Panic - YouTube

SpaceX President Says Ukraine Has ‘Weaponized’ Starlink

6 mins -  Video NeRF + Text To 3D = Text To 4D!? - YouTube

STB member Bill Warren - The Supreme Court is Set to Hear a Copyright Case with Big Implications for U.S. Tech Innovation

The economist who predicted that A.I. would replace half of all US jobs now says ChatGPT is the equivalent of Uber disrupting the taxi market—and it could lead to lower wages | Fortune

Turns Out That Using ChatGPT In Search Engines Would Have adverse environmental impacts

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT’s Stunning Results on the US Medical Licensing Exam

Noam Chomsky Says ChatGPT Is Just A High-Tech Tool For Plagiarism and avoiding learning

Here’s A List Of Some Of The Exams ChatGPT Has Passed So Far

Meta's AI Has Outwitted Human Players In Diplomacy - The First AI ever to do so

Astronomer Bernie Reim gives us his February 2023 heads-up. Go to this delicious mind-candy here on our site

Links from last Session


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Stephen Goodfellow