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As of Sept. 28th, Zoom policy changes: passcode required: 652662

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Links for this week:

13 mins - Tardigrades: Chubby, Misunderstood, & Not Immortal - YouTube

Larry Dworsky's' latest Covid statistics:

Larry Dworsky: Comments

10 mins - STN member Doug Wind - Zero-Point Energy Demystified | Space Time - YouTube

STN member Doug Wind - Richard Feynman BBC series - YouTube

Project Tuva: Richard Feynman's Messenger Lecture Series - Microsoft Research!2-math-and-physics

Casimir force used to control and manipulate objects

Follow-up from last week - Them Balls and Feathers

Quantum mechanics has argued for years that space is not a vacuum.

Until recently, the quite valid counter argument could justifiably brush aside quantum mechanics, stating that vacuum energy is 'just an unproven quantum mathematical theory'

This argument can now put to rest. In a recent article in, laboratory experimentation demonstrates that the Casimir Effect can convert vacuum energy into work, essentially confirming the quantum vacuum energy theory.

This has huge implications on one of the most basic tenets of Galilean/Newtonian/Einstinian physics That all objects fall at the same rate in a space vacuum.

If space is an expression of vacuum energy is everywhere, then anywhere in the Universe, there is nowhere you can roll two balls of different mass where the larger mass does not arrive sooner than the lesser - providing you make the ramp distance long enough.

The ball and feather experiment works fine at short distances - but not so if you drop them 10,000 miles above the Moon. The Ball will arrive first, because (solar wind and light bombardment aside,) the ball is greater mass and will reach the moon slightly faster than the feather because space is not a vacuum.

So Galilean/Newtonian/Einstinian physics works fine at 'short' distances, but breaks down over sufficiently longer distances.

The argument that the effect is so small as to be insignificant is an ill-conceived reply when one considers that the minute discrepancy observed precession of Mercury was a foundation in Einstein's paper of Relativity published in 1916.

So what the Casimir Effect shows is that the given density of space is irrelevant, since all space has density.

The two dropped objects of different mass anywhere in the Universe will not arrive at the same time, providing the drop is given sufficient time for measurement.

In this experiment, watch balls of varying sizes dropped in a dense viscous liquid.

The recent Casimir experiment demonstrates that given enough time, no matter the density of space, the more massive of the two balls attracted to a strong gravitational field will arrive first.


STN member David McClintock - Gravity, Gizmos, and a Grand Theory of Interstellar Travel | WIRED

This $1 hearing aid could treat millions with hearing loss | Science | AAAS

Download construction information and blueprints.

Clip - climate change - Top U.S. & World Headlines — September 15, 2020 - YouTube

Discovery of a New Mass Extinction – Carnian Pluvial Episode – 233 Million Years Ago

'Green' billionaires behind professional activist network that led suppression of 'Planet of the Humans' documentary | The Grayzone

Michael Moore Responds: New Report REVEALS Green Billionaire Attacks On Movie ‘Planet Of The Humans’ - YouTube

6 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - Higgs Boson Discovery Wins Nobel Prize for Physics - YouTube

7 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - Real Video of the Sun's Surface - YouTube

A Multi-Decade Mystery Settled: Presence of Resonating Cavities Above Sunspots Has Been Confirmed

Sunspots short edited clip

Melting ice sheets will add over 15 inches to global sea level rise by 2100 | Space

125 million-year-old dinosaur found buried by a volcanic eruption in China - CNN

Asteroid Flyby Alert: NASA Tracks Two Rogue Space Rocks Making Their First Near-Earth Approach | Tech Times

Tardigrades: Chubby, Misunderstood, & Not Immortal - YouTube

Kitty see, kitty do: cat imitates human, in first scientific demonstration of behavior | Science | AAAS

Crows Are Capable of Conscious Thought, Scientists Demonstrate For The First Time

First Compelling Evidence of Organisms That Eat Viruses as a Food Source

How Neanderthals lost their Y chromosome | Science | AAAS

Experimental Cancer Treatment Destroys Cancer Cells Without Using Any Drugs

Here's What People Used Before Toilet Paper Was Invented

Moon safe for long-term human exploration, first surface radiation measurements show | Science | AAAS

Links from last week


SMA Science Book Club


The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook. ********

SMA Lifelong learning program


...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua


SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow