04-01-15 Doug Wind's Sciency Get-together Thursday 11:00am

Doug Wind writes,

[The Science and Technology meeting will be at 11:00 to 1:00 on Thur April 2 . We will change from our apt to Puente Viejo on Calzada de la Aurora #52.

Puente Viejo is a guarded community. I will give the guard a list of the usual suspects so you can get in. If you have trouble at the entrance you can call David at 415-112-5202 or me at 415-109-4627.

We will continue on the future of medicine.

Hope to see you there.


This is a repeat of Doug Wind's earlier email post, with a few modifications.

As some of you know, Doug and Betty will be leaving on a vacation, so various members have taken it upon themselves to be the flag barer until they return.

Also, this email post is also a melding my own email list, which may not necessarily include folks who want to be informed of these weekly events.

Merely reply to stephen.goodfellow@gmail.com and ask to be removed from these weekly announcements if you are not interested.

While they are gone, David McClintock has kindly offered us access to the community center at Puente Viejo :

Community center view #1

Community center view #2

Here is a map link to this Thursday's location.

Puente Viejo entrance...

View of entrance and Fabrica Aurora in the background...

View from outside the gate of Fabrica Aurora looking South.

Hope to see you there!


Stephen Goodfellow