03-17-20 - Virtual Presentation, S. Goodfellow



Due to the Coronavirus, we're virtual until further notice.

Welcome to Virtual SciTechNature

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Rob Lerner, Corona virus update:

Hola all,

Coronavirus disease has rapidly become a global obsession—as well it should. I’ve been following the emerging picture of the epidemiology and at the same time advising San Miguel social activities associated with Caminos de Agua, World Water Week, i3 lecture series, science meetup group—all of which are now suspended.

I recommend the following audio reports from Scientific American. Recorded just four days apart, they convey not only the rapid pace of scientific discovery (not good news), but also a whirlwind sense of social disruption, as reported from the U.S. disease epicenter in Western Washington. You can listen directly from the links or download the podcasts.

March 10, 2020:


March 14, 2020:


Diane and I are minimizing contact with public places and practicing strict hygiene. We recommend the same to all our friends.

Be well and stay safe,

Rob Lerner


Video content links and notes

Stephen Goodfellow

Some additional Corona Virus news

Corona virus issues in Mexico:

Mexico holds big music festival despite coronavirus concerns

Really good interactive corona virus map:

COVID-19 MAP (by /r/CovidMapping) - Google My Maps


Meet Mr. One:

A cure for most cancers - could it be for real?

(2) Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident | SciShow News - YouTube

A regular Google search on MR1

mr1 cancer cure - Google Search

Seems to be verified as serious research:

A Google Scholar search on MR1

"MR1" - Google Scholar

I also ran a search on the CRISPR Cas9 Facebook group site:

CRISPR Cas9 MR1 Resourse



Killer balloons WWII; using nature to fight the enemy:

We touched on this in September last year, when I did a presentation on the discovery of the Jet stream by the Japanese, and how they weaponized it in WWII (Scroll down):

09-24-19 S Goodfellow the Vacuum - The Jet stream - D Wind-Virtual Particles - - SciTechNature

Short review primer, video on the Jet stream:

Jet Stream [Polar Vortex] and Climate Change Science - YouTube

If you didn't see it, how the Japanese weaponized the Jet stream

Balloon Bombs USA - YouTube

Not to be outdone, the British used the prevailing winds of the atmosphere to attack Germany:

Killer Balloons: Britain's Secret Offensive Against Germany - YouTube

Not just ours; other Jet streams, other planets:

Raging Cyclones and Jet Streams on Jupiter Perplex Scientists


Slime molds: A short segment of a longer video; a beautiful observation about our Universe:

Slime molds and the Universe - Cosmic Scalability | S0 News Mar.11.2020 - YouTube

Slime molds, some science:

Astronomers use slime mold model to reveal dark threads of the cosmic web

Some more Slime mold science (pdf)

Revealing the Dark Threads of the Cosmic Web

Big Bang troubles; I have presented this topic at some length in previous SciTechNature presentations. The launching of the James Webb Space Telescope ought to put this puppy to sleep.

A nice little update video presentation on the conundrum; fully evolved stars and galaxies are way too close to the supposed event horizon of the Big Bang

The Cosmic Timeline is Wrong - YouTube

A really great full documentary - definitely worth watching

1:26 - The Gene Revolution: Changing Human Nature (2020) - YouTube

What do stranded whales and Sun Spots have in common? Really? Talk about an interconnected Universe!

This (image below) is the Sunspot cycle: The Sun flips its magnetic field every 11.11 years, so North becomes South and visa versa, so in this diagram, in two humps it has reversed back to the way it was - one full solar cycle=22.22 years:

sunspot cycle.jpg (2028×714)

Whales and the Sun - can the Universe possibly get more bizarre?

"...If confirmed, suggests that the [solar] radio noise is jamming the gray whales’ hypothesized magnetic sensors. Alternatively, Dr. Lohmann said, solar activity might also be affecting some other part of whale physiology..."

Sunspots and Stranded Whales: A Bizarre Correlation - The New York Times

The 'Tech' in SciTechNature, admittedly skirting dangerously close to sociology and politics, but nevertheless interesting: How the Internet is changing the way we receive our news; who's producing the 'real' and 'fake'news no longer has a arbiter; you're on you're own, folks.

For instance, all our major analog news and entertainment comes through the filter of the very, very, very rich:

The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

What's so wonderful (and scary) about the Internet is that online social media allows for a growing avalanche of alternative news and analysis sites that are becoming increasingly more prominent. Example:

The Left Versus the Left: Progressive media is filling the void › Providence, Rhode Island › Motif

...But don't take my word for it, listen to this guy:

How Social Media Killed Traditional News | Oliver Luckett - YouTube

Finally, NEW! Got a really interesting link and some comments that you'd like to bring to the attention to the get-together? Send it to us, we'll post it and talk about it. So to kick it off here's...

STN member Mike Pore - Physicist: Our Galaxy May Be Located Inside an Enormous Bubble

...So, links, questions and comments, send it to zappedpyramid@gmail.com

Let's see if we can make it work!

Links from last week


SMA Science Book Club



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook. ********

SMA Lifelong learning program



...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow