07-14-20 Bronze Age collapse - geology and global warming -


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Links for this week:

Caterpillar Cocoon Timelapse | BBC Earth - YouTube


Larry Dworsky's latest Covid numbers


Several members last week requested more information on the Bronze Age civilization collapse:

1 hr - The Bronze Age Collapse - Mediterranean Apocalypse - YouTube


Other civilization collapses:

The Mayans - Ruins Among the Trees - YouTube


Not so much a civilization, it could more accurately be described as an outpost of a civilization, doomed by sudden climate change. Nonetheless, very interesting.

The Greenland Vikings - Land of the Midnight Sun - YouTube


Youtube page - Fall of Civilizations - YouTube


5 mins - Why scientists are so worried about this glacier - YouTube


10 mins - The Last Time the Globe Warmed - YouTube


We will watch about twenty minutes of this video together, as it offers significant geological background information to the present global warming scenarios presented in a way that a layman can understand. A seemingly dry academic topic, the lecturer brings it to life, makes it enthralling and not without humor.56 mins - Dan Britt - Orbits and Ice Ages: The History of Climate - YouTube


Dan Britt's lecture reminded me of a climate scenario video I created (long before I saw Britt's video,) that I'd like to share with you. You may recall from his lecture that when India slammed into the Euro Asian continent, it created a massive global-wide carbon sink that diminished the biosphere to a point that it triggered increasingly unstable, larger ice ages. This video is based on the supposition that the Earth's biosphere - or Gaia as some may refer to it - is a coherent entity in which the sum of parts make up a living whole.

Taking it further I muse that, like microorganisms, the biosphere has fundamental tools for survival; base instincts on par with hormones . This thought arose from the fact that within a very short timespan of geologic history, no less than five different hominoid species evolved into exhibiting the most unusual behaviour of walking upright. It just seemed to me such a remarkable coincidence, so I extrapolated on this and took it a step further: What are we here for? Are we the Biosphere's Earth worms? Does this scenario have implications on a Universe scale?

"Nature and Sentience - Why is SETI not receiving signals?" - YouTube


10 mins - What Is Intelligence? Where Does it Begin? - YouTube


Shockingly Simple: How Farmland Could Absorb an Extra 2 Billion Tonnes of CO2 From the Atmosphere Each Year


The universe might have a fundamental clock that ticks very, very fast | Science News


Ringing of the Global Atmosphere Detected by Scientists


3 minutes - Why Does the Moon Sound Hollow? - YouTube


Solar Flow Battery: Single Device Generates, Stores and Redelivers Renewable Electricity From the Sun


Mission to Mars: UAE Set to Become First Arab Nation to Explore Other Planets


UAE's Mars Hope Probe: 1st Arab mission to study Red Planet's atmosphere


Links from last week


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...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



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Stephen Goodfellow