Welcome to San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature
Zoom Get-Togethers

06/01/21 - Live 150 years - Space debris - Hyperloop - Much ado about Solar Corona and Photosphere

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passcode (if required): 652662

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Links for this week:

Larry Dworsky's' latest Covid statistics:

STN member Roger Lamont -Scientists Catch Exciting Magnetic Waves in Action in the Sun's Photosphere


STN member Roger Lamont -Why the Sun's Atmosphere Is Hundreds of Times Hotter Than Its Surface – 80 Year-Old Theory Finally Confirmed


STN member Roger Lamont -observations of the solar photosphere - YouTube


5 mins - Part two: The Solar Coronal Heating Problem - YouTube


STN member Roger Lamont - Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft docks with China’s space station module | Reuters


STN member Roger Lamont - ALMA Peers Back 12.4 Billion Years and Discovers the Most Ancient Galaxy of Its Kind Ever Observed


8 mins - STN member Roger Lamont -The Real Reason All The Planets Are On The Same Orbital Plane - YouTube


27 mins - STN member - Roger Lamont - How Bad Was The Great Oxidation Event? - YouTube


15 mins - Hair-Raising Hyena Moments | BBC Earth - YouTube


Astronomer Bernie Reim gives us his monthly heads-up on the subject. Go to this delicious mind-candy here on our site.

Links from last Session


SMA Science Book Club



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


SMA Lifelong learning program



...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



Caminos de Agua



SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow