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San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature

01/12/21 - Avian Respiration - Pre-history Art and Animal Extinctions

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Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668788731?pwd=bVcvRnJQSGpJcHIveEl3STJQZFZpUT09


Links for this week:

Port of Amsterdam - Timelapse SAIL 2015 - YouTube


Larry Dworsky's' latest Covid statistics:


Cigs: Here's How Long You Actually Need to Break a Habit, According to Science


SMA member Hameed Faridani - US Coronavirus Cases and Deaths | USAFacts


Early Results Suggest Pfizer Vaccine Will Work Against Coronavirus Mutations


6 Months After Infection, 76% of COVID-19 Patients Are Still Suffering Symptoms


Herd Immunity Won't Happen in 2021, WHO Warns - Even With Vaccines


Higher coffee intake may be linked to lower prostate cancer risk


Neuroscientists identify brain circuit that encodes timing of events


8 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - Ice Age Cave Art: Unlocking the Mysteries BehindThese Markings


5 mins - STN member Roger Lamont -- Amazon Stonehenge: Brazil's 1,000-year-old calendar - BBC News - YouTube


18 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - What can Stone Age art tell us about extinct animals? - YouTube


STN member Bill Warren writes,

I was reading about recent discoveries of Dilophosaurus of Jurassic Park fame (the one that spits venom on and kills the computer geek) and it noted that probably most dinosaurs breathed in a uniflow fashion similar to today’s birds. Skeletons are found only in Arizona, so far.

I’d not heard of “uniflow” breathing, and thought to share it if the subject has not been addressed previously.

Among several websites, I found this one that has, in my opinion, the best visual description how uniflow breathing operates. There are textural descriptions that made sense to me until I saw how it works. http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/birdrespiration.html

It adds a visual how insects breathe, too.

Basically, birds have two sets of air sacs in addition to lungs. The bird inhales which inflates one set of air sacs with oxygenated air. At the same time, the other set of air sacs are filled with carbon dioxide-laden air drawn from the lungs. When the bird exhales, the oxygenated air moves over the lungs and carbon dioxide is expelled. Repeat.

If birds breathed like mammals, they would be unable to fly any distance since mammal breathing is inefficient for high metabolic creatures. Today’s crocodilians still share the trait.

2 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - Rare Footage of New Bird of Paradise Species Shows Odd Courtship Dance | Nat Geo Wild - YouTube


1 min - STN member Roger Lamont - Attacus atlas female - YouTube


3 mins -STN member Roger Lamont - Paddlefish Parasites | Wild Mississippi - YouTube


11 mins -STN member Roger Lamont - 5G: Explained! - YouTube


12 mins - STN Ari Goodland - Coding Adventure: Solar System - YouTube


6 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - What If All The Ice Melted On Earth? ft. Bill Nye - YouTube


4 min - STN member Roger Lamont - The Active Volcano in California; Medicine Lake - YouTube


8 mins - Yellowstone Scientists Have Just Discovered A Dome Shaped Uplift Inside The Volcano System...but - YouTube


Global Volcanism Program | Has volcanic activity been increasing?


Short- WATER HOLE AFRICA'S ANIMAL OASIS [Episode 2] - BBC Nature Documentary . - YouTube


Links from last Session


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...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



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Stephen Goodfellow