San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom
Get-Togethers Tuesday, 09/12/23, 11:30am CST time

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am  (San Miguel de Allende Time), 12:30pm EST
Passcode (if required): 652662
Zoom link:

This Tuesday (09/12/23) -  Topics sensationalized!:
Old footprints - Smashed asteroid behaving badly - Insects dookin' it out - Weevils, they live! - MS Drug Could Treat Alzheimer's - Moderate Daily Activity Can Protect Against Depression - Napping is good for you -  New Cancer Therapy That Stops Tumor Growth - Concussion When Younger? Bad News - Third set of teeth - 'Inverse vaccine' to treat MS - Grapefruit Juice Can Kill You - Microplastics in Every Organ, Including Brain - Antibiotic Resistance Discovered in Ukraine - We Waste Up to 20 Percent of Our Time on Computer Problems - New Alzheimer's Genetic Markers Unearthed - Plants Really Do 'Scream' - Venom spider named after Marvel character - Naked Mole Rat Gene placed in Mice Made Them Live Longer - Three Out of Four Populations of Rare Butterflies Have Been Lost - Paleontologists Discover Bizarre New Species of Bird-Like Dinosaur -  Save the World’s Most Coveted Chocolate - Greece, 3 Feet of Rain in 4 Days - Expanding Hotspots in US, Fans not enough to survive, and more - Glaciers Retreating at Unprecedented Rates, why? - Emissions free cooling? - Lithium Discovery In The U.S. World's Biggest? - Framing observational data within a Fantasy - Universe stuff - AI stuff - Math - Mars
If you've been awe-struck and feel generous, here's my $$$ PayPal $$$

Larry's Comments, September 12th

stuff for Sep 5.pptx

8 mins - STN member Bill Krajec

STN member Hameed Faridani 

STN member Bill Warren

The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook


SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Caminos de Agua
...Because in semi-arid San Miguel de Allende water is REALLY important



Stephen Goodfellow