Week 21 - Fri 24th May

Welcome to the RPM Record Club Seven Day Soundtrack, week ending Friday 24th May 2024. Oh look the sun has just come out.....cold beer with this week's edition?...over to...

Kevin -

"Somehow or other I had missed the news last month of the death of Dickey Betts, aged 80. He was an influential member of one of my top three all-time favourite bands. It was a shame he had a falling out with the other band members in later years (the familiar story - succumbing to booze). In their prime this band really cooked.

In memory of Dickey Betts, I've chosen three of his contributions to the Allman Brothers Band repertoire."

Blue Sky - "From the mixed bag of an album Eat a Peach, this is a lovely, sunny song, featuring Betts' trademark sinuous playing and, on this occasion, his singing as well."


Ramblin' Man - "From the 'Brothers and Sisters' album. A country-influenced number; this is also sung by Betts."


"In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" - "The superior version, taken from the stupendous 'Live at Fillmore East' double album. (Apologies, Tim,  for squeezing in such a lengthy third item this week.) I suggest we all enjoy the first two with our morning coffee, then save this for around midnight, with dim lights and a glass of something smooth."


"R.I.P. Dickey and thanks for all the music."

Philip -

"Greetings from Swanton Morley.  I know The Allman Brothers Band were chosen last week, but I make no apologies for starting with them this week, having just read Mojo's obituary to Dickey Betts. While I have stated before that Duane Allman is my all-time favourite guitar player, Mr. Betts was no slouch himself, especially with Duane to spur him on."

Done Somebody Wrong from the Allman Brothers Band At Fillmore East - "...in which you can clearly hear the distinctive contributions of each guitarist."

"Speaking of great guitarists..."

Imouhar by Mdou Moctar - "...from the new "Funeral For Justice" album. Look out at 55 seconds!"


Beautiful People (Stay High) by The Black Keys - "...from their latest album 'Ohio Players'."


"Best wishes to all RPMers."

Tony -

"Here's my three for the week."

Ship of Fools Paul Weller - "From a new studio album by The Modfather."


Baby I Love You by Terry Reid - "He turned down the chance to front Led Zeppelin but recommended Robert Plant and  I saw him a good few years back at Norwich Playhouse.

He's booked for NAC in September!"


Toulouse Street by The Doobie Brothers - "If they're still this good when they support The Eagles in just over two weeks time at the Co-op  Live I'll be well pleased."


Nina  -

"Hi folks. Apologies for dodgy sound on Pagan teapot clips last week; I was emailing Tim while listening to the band playing live, so no quality control. 

3 "proper" clips this week..."

I Want To See You Dance by AC Soul Symphony - 


Even Light by Nadine Shah - 


U Should Not be Doing That by Amyl and the Sniffers - 


"Have a fab long weekend everyone.


Jayne -

"I think the sun is even more appreciated when interspersed with periods of rain and dark clouds (but there has been a bit too much of them lately so I hope these tracks redress the balance a bit)..."

She Brought The Sun by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society -


Sunset Village by Group Listening -


The Sun And Her Flowers by Lauren Scott -


John -

"Hi RPMers, Some weeks it's hard to find the time to listen all the selections submitted to the Seven Day Soundtrack. On these occasions I tend to listen to a few minutes of each track and go back at a later date (when time isn't as tight) and listen to the tracks in full and, in many cases, further investigate the artist in question via YouTube. RPM 7DS is such a great source for expanding our collective musical frame of reference and I'm so grateful each week to have this opportunity. Long may this wonderful musical community continue. Thanks to you all and especially to Tim for his continued hard work in putting it all together.

Here are my three for this week...."

Out Of My Head by First Aid Kit - "Opening track from their 2022 LP Palomino."


Ghost In Smoke by St. Paul & The Broken Bones - "This is from the LP The Alien Coast, also from 2022. They've released a couple more albums since then and each one seems to move slightly further away from their 'Classic Soul' roots. This is not a criticism, just an observation!"


Coming Home by Dexys - "Talking of Soul roots, I think Dexys are still 'searching for the young soul rebels' but they're looking in different places.... This track is from their 2023 LP The Feminine Divine."


"I've just noticed that these three tracks are relatively new compared to some of my recent choices; normal service will (probably) resume next week!!"

Piers -

"An easy first choice this week as JB and I  got to see Karine P perform in a tent in Chapelfield Gardens as part of the N&N Festival. Not having seen her perform before but loving everything that I have heard by her I had high hopes as we took our seats in the second row,  and luckily for us she was even better than I expected. (And rather envious of her very comfortable looking shoes!)"

Follow the Heron Home by Karine Polwart -


"This track seemed to fit with my mood and has an image of a heron in it so it coincidentally ties to KP above (and as we know from the teachings of Jules Maigret ‘nothing is coincidental’)"

Ever So Lonely/Eyes/Ocean by Gingger Shankar -


"And I wonder what Patron Jules M would have made of my discovering this interesting little wonder. The Japanese do have a different historical perspective of their 'endlessly floating worlds'"

1925 by T Pocket -


"Just in case anyone is interested -  in Japan 'The Public Security Preservation Law of 1925' was passed on 7th of March. It made conspiracy and revolt illegal, and also criminalised socialism and communism. On the 5th of May all men were allowed to vote (but not for socialists or Communists) Women still couldn't vote.

And this is about the song..."


Dave -

"Hi RPMers...flying though May at a scary rate!! Here’s my 3 tunes this week." . Lee scratch Perry with up setters . . 

Hey There by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard -


IPA Skank (with the Upsetters) by Lee Scratch Perry -


The Wild Kindness by Silver Jews -


David -

"More sunshine this week when it was least expected, if only the weather forecasters were as reliable as RPM contributors."

"Dog Unit (a recommendation from my daughter) not to be confused with Dog Race, both who were at The Great Escape in Brighton last weekend."

Consistent Effort by Dog Unit -


"...from David Murray's 'Francesca' album released last week."

Ninno by David Murray Quartet -


"One time, I bought a fancy Maclaren CD player on the basis of a demo CD featuring this track. I still have the CD but the deck died years ago."

You'll Never Get To Heaven by Bill Morrissey -


Tim -

"Here's three that came along this week..."

Expresso Love by Dire Straits - 


The Otter's Set by Michael McGoldrick -


'Til Next Time...