Week 20 - Fri 17th May

Welcome to the RPM Record Club Seven Day Soundtrack, week ending Friday 17th May 2024. The morning after the night before edition...yes, the Irish tunes session in the Three Legged Mare was particularly good last night!!!!! Sorry for the lateness, early birds...over to...

Jean -

"Here are my picks."

Quattro (World Drifts In) by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - 


Heartbreaker by Dolly Parton - "Some fantastic arrangements and musicians on the album Rockstar. Dolly does a great job!"


Piers -

"Wotcha. As usual last weeks tracks were fabulous, but it took me a while to get around to tuning in as my friend John and I played a couple of fringe events at the Cromer Folk on the Pier Festival last weekend. (This year the official management banned the use of the term 'Folk Off The Pier' which after so many years use I thought a bit weird) But... because we knew that we would be there rain or shine Jayne and I treated ourselves and stayed over; B&B and avocado sandwiches, at the Clifftonville Hotel! (I know not quite the same as putting a tent up At Folk in A Field but it's the thought that counts). The hotel was where we played one of our gigs, in the Henry Blogg Bar.  As I was playing, it occurred to me that dear Henry Blogg probably never went in the Clifftonville, unless the Towns folk booked a room for the presentation of one of his many medals. But anyway,  as a result I considered posting some of the originals of tracks that we played this week; Love Minus Zero - No Limit, etc. but realised that I did that last week... ho hum! Well, as well as being a festival week with dozens of acts, including the finally imploding wonder that was 'Show of Hands', we managed to take in a Singaround at Blakeney Harbour Rooms, the Handsome Family in Norwich on Wednesday and The Jewel in the Crown Session (with a spotlight session from Chad Mason) that I host on Thursday. So what I have chosen are some of the melodies that really stood out..."

"On Sunday I woke with the dawn light streaming through the hotel window and watched as the sun rose over Cromer Pier which sat in a perfectly calm twinkly sea and the tune in my head was..."

The Waltz from Masquerade’ written by Aram Khachaturian -


"Which also fitted nicely with a track that I heard for the first time this week. I know nothing about the artist Ahmad Naufal Fuad F... These days with such a low profile he could be an A1 Bot I guess,  and although he does have a facebook profile, perhaps 'they' have now learned to recognise the traffic lights? (what a horrifying thought)."

Wayfaring Anise Tales by Ahmad Naufal Fuad F -


"And this track by The Golden Gate Quartet has been on constant repeat for a couple of days...I first heard it on Radio London (then a local radio station) on Charlie Gillett's show Honky Tonk  (a huge influence on my musical taste ).  I've been entranced by it for at least 45years and am surprised that I haven't ever posted it before."

Stalin Wasn’t Stallin by The Golden Gate Quartet -


"And if you dont mind me having a sneaky 'Bonus Track' (with an earworm of a chord sequence...) please Tim?"

(Oh, go on then....Tim)

So Danco Samba by Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto -


John -

"Hi RPMers. Hope you are well. Here are my three for this week."

Jayne -

"So, this week entailed Cromer Folk Festival Fringe over the weekend, two play around sessions in north Norfolk, and the Handsome Family at Norwich Arts Centre. I’ve chosen a recent track from the Handsome Family performed by them on Tuesday plus one from their impressive support Frontier Ruckus, and a track heard a couple of times performed by one of our friends, Perce’s musical collaborator John, with good wishes to the RPM collective."

Clarkston Pasture by Frontier Ruckus -


The King of Everything by The Handsome Family -


Running From Home by Bert Jansch -


Nina -

"Hi folks. Hope you're all well + enjoying some lovely sunny weather over East.

Here's my 3..."

"...2 from Pagan Teapot, who I saw as part of Feminist as Folk at Penlee park open air theatre in Penzance this evening..."

Chilean Song with Unknown Title by Pagan Teapot -


Old Hippies by Pagan Teapot -


"In honour of Cov being knocked out the semi final by naffness + return to my roots this week."

We'll Live and Die in These Towns by The Enemy -


"Take care all


David -

"Warmer greetings to all RPMers and congratulations to the Tractor Boys and those who support them on their achievement. In other news, it's good to see the resurrection of Bloodshot Records so here are 3 from them. Old and new."

Luke  Winslow King from Bloody Sunday Sessions -


JP Harris with Sometimes Dogs Bark at Nothing -


Vandoliers with Sixteen Years -


"That's All Folks."

Philip -

"Even I, as a true blue son of Suffolk, found it difficult to switch from singing "Leeds are falling apart again" to "Marching on Together," I mean it's LEEDS for goodness sake.

In the light of this morning's news, however, perhaps that lot up the road should appoint Paul Cook. (You will let me know if I seem to be enjoying this too much won't you?).


OK, I'll stop it now. Here are three numbers from three recent highly enjoyable albums."

Can't Be Satisfied performed by the latest iteration of Little Feat - "...with the 78 years-old Sam Clayton on vocals."


Hard Luck and Circumstances by Charley Crockett - "...from '$10 Cowboy'."


Scaled to Survive by Leyla McCalla - "...from 'Sun Without The Heat'."



"Best wishes to all RPMers as always."

Kevin -

"Hi there. I read a report which said that last Saturday's Eurovision Song Contest had a motto 'United by Music'. How appropriate, I thought, for this RPM community. 

As evidence of which - and writing as a lifelong Norwich City supporter and season ticket holder -  I hereby congratulate Philip's beloved Ipswich Town on their automatic promotion to the Premier League.

By the time you're reading this, we'll know whether or not the Canaries have made it through to the playoff final at Wembley. I suspect not. But for clubs like ours, it's a case of careful what you wish for, given the inequalities which make it so hard to survive in the top tier. Good luck, Philip!

That's the sports bulletin over. Now for the music... "

Statesboro Blues by the Allman Brothers Band - "Duane's slide playing on this track - and whole double album - is sublime. Still gives me shivers over 50 years since I first fell in love with ABB."


Up the Wolves by the Mountain Goats  - "My son introduced me to the Mountain Goats in the last few years, though they've been around for a couple of decades. This song is in the repertoire my wife and I perform."


Heart Attack & Vine by Screamin' Jay Hawkins - "Not many people can out-Waits Tom Waits, but this version of the song is - I think - superior to the original."


Tim -

"I've listened to a few things recently which struck me as being musical cousins....here they are, newest first."

Something Dangerous by Kula Shaker -


Just The One by The Levellers -


Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 by Bob Dylan -


'Til Next Time -