Wednesday Primetime Radio Schedule

Eddie Cantor faced off against Frank Sinatra on Wednesday night, when Kay Kyser and "Mr. District Attorney" were also popular.

Here is what was on this Wednesday night:

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Other Programs of Interest

8:30 : WMCA: Congress on the Air

Extension of Price Control”

Ernest Lindley, Newsweek, Washington Bureau chief hosted.

9:00 - WHN: Robert Q. Lewis

WNEW - Operation Homecoming; Veterans Administration Program

9:30 - WEVD: Forum

Dr. Sterling W. Brown, civil rights leader Roy Wilkins, Harold Schiff, Charles G, Paulding

10:00 - WHN: Hawkins Orchestra

Most likely the swing band of Erskine Hawkins ("Tuxedo Junction:), a radio fixture,but could be saxaphonist Coleman Hawkins who had a band at this tine as well.

WEVD- Sara Sokolsky-Fried, piano

10:15- WMCA: Henry Morgenthau Jr.

Fascism in Argentina and Spain”

Morgenthau, an FDR appointee, had resigned as Secretary of the Treasury when Truman rejected his proposal for punitive postwar treatment of Germany that included the elimination of all industry.

WEVD - Forum: George K. Hinton. Rev. Marshall Scott, African American labor leader Frank R. Crosswaith,Socialist Irving Salert

Thursday Night Radio