Hotel Dixie

In 1945 when Mimi Sheraton's boyfriend came into the city from his summer job as a camp counselor they rendezvoused at the Hotel Dixie known as a shack up joint. She told her mother she was staying with a girlfriend. It was a risk since her relative was the hotel's house detective who should have been on the lookout for teenage girls shacking up with their boyfriends.

A bus terminal, one of several in Manhattan at the time. occupied the main floor of the hotel. Part of the Dixie was operating as an apartment hotel. Apartment hotels were fairly common at this time.. They ranged from flophouses to luxury suites and served as temporary housing for some and permanent homes for others. ..

The Dixie is now the infamous Hotel Carter named by TripAdvisor as the dirtiest hotel in America- a corpse was found under one bed.