Society Gossip

Society weddings, divorces and gossip were a staple of the Sunday Mirror.

The caption for a photo of actress Louise Albriton,under contract to Hollywood, was marrying war correspondent Charles Collingwood in May. Collingwood, who would turn 29 in June, was one of "Murrow's boys" at CBS and would have a long, distinguished career at the network. He and Albriton remained married until her death in 1979.

The John Albrights, identified as "cafe socialites," had separated and were planning to divorce. She was returning to California with her two children, Michael and Stephanie and just might stop off in Reno. Society reporter Barclay Beekman (aka Howard Shelley) caught up with John Albright, vice president of Garvan Associates, at El Morocco, preferred watering hole of the upper crust. Mrs. Albright was the daughter of the Marchese Venta Pane, who Barclay wrote, traced his family back to the 15th century. The Albrights had met at a cocktail party.

The Sunday Mirror gave space to the charges brought by heiress Emily Barrett Blanchard against her estranged husband, John Emmett Carr, an aspiring actor who allegedly bilked her out of thousands of dollars for theatrical productions that never came to light. They were married March 1 and separated March 26. The News also covered the scandal but the Mirror had a photo of the victimized moneybags. Carr gave his address as the Hotel Empire on Broadway and 63rd.