Man Talks People to Sleep

The magazine feature "Such Interesting People" was devoted this week to Max Mann, a manufacturer, author and psychologist, who had developed a technique to talk people to sleep. He provided the service for free to insomniac friend but soon had so many celebrities, businessmen and diplomats calling him that he had recorded the sleep talk. Now he had put this into a book Put Yourself to Sleep. The article says few people can get past the first 15 pages without dosing off. (Having been in PR for decades, I can say much of this sounds like hype.)

The article is accompanied by photos of actress Nanette Fabray in bed, supposedly using Mann's services. At this point she was a Broadway actress, best known for "Bloomer Girl." The photos show her, before her unfortunate nose job, with a normal nose, not large just fairly shapeless. The transition to the pert button nose that was the surgical norm left her with one that was too small for her big-boned face.