The Sunday Herald Tribune

The Sunday Herald Tribune was the second read for many Sunday Times readers, particularly for the WASPs and upper middle class among them.

The paper was the voice of the moderate Republicans. It was generally pro-business but also pro-business responsibility, moderately conservative on economic policy, moderately liberal on civil rights and social policy, internationalist on foreign policy and a subscriber to the American Century point of view which called for the US was to take its place as the undisputed leader of the world but behave in a responsible manner, neither ceding power to its rivals nor provoking unnecessary conflicts. It supported the United Nations.

Generally The Times was thought to be more comprehensive and authoritative in its domestic and international news coverage while the Herald-Tribune was livelier and more interesting. On this day the main news section of The Times was dominated by summations of official reports and speeches while the Herald-Tribune had more interviews and did more legwork. It featured notable opinionated columnists who opnely disagreed with each other in print.

The Sunday paper had several sections: