"Only Human" by Sidney Fields
Sidney Fields was the Mirror's feature interviewer. Often it was show biz celebrities but this day he devoted his "Only Human" feature to an interview with Dr. Helen Kiteuk Kim, who he wrote was the first woman to come out of Korea since the war. Dr. Kim had been educated by Methodist missionaries. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan, received a Masters from Boston University and a PhD from Columbia.
She told him of the indignities and atrocities suffered by the Koreans during their 35-year occupation by Japan. (Despite Korea's status as an occupied nation, during the war Korean nationals were treated as enemy aliens in the United States.) Dr. Kim advocated full independence for her country rather than a trusteeship. At this time the south was occupied by US troops and the north by Russians, although the Russians had not declared war on Japan until the final weeks of the war. She said the Russians were oppressing Christians and non-Communists within their zone of occupation. It was not yet the hot spot that would lead to the next war.