The Main News Section of The Sunday Times

The main news section of The Sunday Times was a catalog of expensive clothing, furs, jewelry and perfume interrupted by coverage of speeches, meetings, official statements and reports. While national, international, state and city affairs all were represented by front page stories, most international news was up front and most city and state coverage was further back. Many of the main international and national news events received more extensive analysis in the News in Review section of the paper.

The front page of the Late City Edition of The New York Sunday Times on Sunday April 14 was a sober looking affair. In contrast with the action crime photos and large type headlines that dominated the front page of the tabloids, The Times page one had no photos and eight columns of type. No story that day merited a banner headline. Small ads filled space at the bottom of columns. Chester Bowles' radio speech promising relief from shortages had prime position.

The growing conflict with the Soviet Union, the famine in Europe and Asia, and the situation in the Middle East were key topics of the international news coverage that day. Strikes, price controls and politics dominated the national coverage. The Sunday Times coverage of shortages lacked the sensationalism of the tabloids' take on the subject and. veterans affairs received extensive attention.

The upcoming gubernatorial race. health insurance and educational aid to veterans were among the subjects of stories on the state level. A tumultous Board of Estimates meeting was the lead story in city politics while .numerous political rallies and youth forums were among the major city events. The start of Passover, especially significant this first year after the war, generated several news stories.