Letters to the Times April 14

The Letters to the Times were not like the pithy, highly opinionated and often extreme comments from readers published in the News but rather long pieces often written by authorities, more like today's op ed pieces.

On this Sunday the section carried a letter from Hiram Bingham, identified as the former governor and senator from Connecticut, on the contributions of the Naval Air Force to the war effort. Bingham actually served as governor for one day before taking a seat in the Senate where he was censured for irregularities involving a lobbyist. He was a Republican swept out of office in the 1932 FDR landslide.

A shorter letter from Manhattan attorney George Boochever decried government giveaways of surplus military equipment at fire-sale prices, which is then often sold for great profit by the buyers.

Walter B. Weisenberger of the National Association of Manufacturers, the vehement opponents to the government's efforts to control inflation, rebutted Chester Bowles's recently published remarks on the necessity for maintaining price controls. Business expected to make a killing off war as they usually did.

The section also included a genteel poem, "Pavanne for a Princess," by Mazie V. Caruthers.