Easter Meat Loaf?

If you plan your Easter dinner thoughtfully and do much of the preparation the day before you need not miss special Easter services or the Easter parade.

Mary Martensen, Home Magazine, Journal-American

In addition to its widely syndicated Sunday magazine, The American Weekly, the Journal-American had a Saturday supplement, Home Magazine. King Syndicate food columnist Mary Martensen provided four Easter menus and several recipes this week for Home Magazine. She recommended that the homemaker prepare the molded salads and do the baking the day ahead to join in the holiday festivities. The roast can be left in the oven, as long as it is temperature regulated.

In addition to her ham, lamb and fried chicken menus, she suggested a ringed meat loaf “for the small family which finds a roast too large.” It was a fairly conventional meat loaf of ground beef and pork, baked in a ring mold. The center was filled with creamed potatoes and new peas. The menu started with chilled tomato juice. The meat loaf mold was accompanied with buttered cabbage and a tossed salad with French dressing. She finished the meal with rhubarb pie.

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