
rom a live concert performed in Chennai in the August of 1959



Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi sings a wonderful Bhairavi alapana, majestic in all it's contours. This a recording of her concert at San Fransisco, California, on 04th November, 1966. She was accompanied by:

Smt Radha Viswanathan - Vocal Support

Sri V.V.Subrahmanyam - Violin

Sri T.K.Murthy - Mridangam

Sri T.H.Vinayakaram - Ghatam

Smt Vijaya Rajendran - Tambura




Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi continues with the song "Koluvaiyunnade Kodhandapaani" by Tyagaraja Swami in Bhairavi. She renders a scintillating neraval and rounds of swara kalpana, to the mature accompaniment of her seasoned accompanists. This song is sourced from a recording of her concert held at San Fransisco, California, on 04th November, 1966. The accompanists were:

Smt Radha Viswanathan - Vocal Support

Sri V.V.Subrahmanyam - Violin

Sri T.K.Murthy - Mridangam

Sri T.H.Vinayakaram - Ghatam

Smt Vijaya Rajendran - Tambura

Substance of the song:

Behold! Lord Kodhandapaani (Wielder of the Kodhanda bow) is holding Court! Lord Kodhandapaani is holding court together with Sita - similar to the conjunction of the moon - enemy of the lotus - and Rohini, the star; come, let us behold Them so that our past actions (controlling our destiny) could be quelled! As the celestial damsels and the eight-fold siddhis -- Animaa and others - extol Him, Lord Kodhandapaani - praised by this Tyagaraja -- together with His Consort Sita -- One Whose beauty cannot be matched by a thousand golden-hued creepers - is holding Court, to the exultation of the mind.


Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi sings the famous song in Nattai raga "Saraseeruhaasanapriye" composed by Puliyur Doraiswami Aiyar on Goddess Saraswati. Paramparaa1916 wishes all women all over the world a very happy and joyous International Women's Day. This song has been sourced from a live concert performed around 1964-'65. The accompanists are:

Smt Radha Viswanathan - Vocal Support

Sri Kandadevi S.Azhagiriswami - Violin

Sri T.K.Murthy - Mridangam

Sri Umayalpuram Narayanaswami Aiyar - Ghatam




We are very glad to share this rare recording of Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi and Smt. Radha Viswanathan learning a bhajan of Ma Indira Devi from Sri Dilip Kumar Roy. One can hear Sri Roy telling Smt. M.S. in the beginning that he'll sing softly so that she's heard over him, despite her subdued protests. In the end his proud declaration can clearly be heard, "See? How she learnt (it)?!". This is one of several such heavenly sessions that happened at Kalki Gardens in the '60s and '70s. It was during these music sessions that Ma Indira Devi (considered by many as a reincarnation of Meerabai herself) would go into spiritual ecstasy and songs would flow out of her mouth spontaneously. The songs were soaked in the loftiest of bhakti. Sri Dilip Kumar Roy tuned and taught many of them to Smt. M.S. and Smt. Radha, but unfortunately many remained with the music room of Kalki Gardens, shying from a debut on the concert stage. This is one such bhajan. Sri Roy has beautifully set it to Kaafi raga.



Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi and Smt Radha Viswanathan render a blitzkrieg version of Tyagaraja Swami's famous composition "Nenarunchinaanu annitiki" in Maalavi raga. The chittaswaras have been sung at an incredible speed! This song has been sourced from a live concert performed c. 1964. The accompanists were:

Sri V.V.Subrahmanyam - Violin

Sri T.K.Murthy - Mridangam

Sri T.H.Vinayakaram - Ghatam

Substance of the song:

I have placed all my affection on You, since You are the original cause of everything. Oh gale that blows away the clouds of severe sins! Oh Lord, Who is majestic like the ocean! I have placed my affection at Your Feet, since You are the original cause of everything. In the Kali age, in order to protect wife and children, learning elocution, I shall not speak becoming stone-hearted; Oh Benefactor of this Tyagaraja! I have placed my genuine affection in You, since You are the original cause of everything!



M S Subbulakshmi - Naada Tanumanisham - Chittaranjani - Tyagaraja Swami


Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi renders this famous kriti of Tyagaraja Swami (composed in Chittaranjani raga) with zest. She precedes the song with a shloka on Goddess Saraswati from the "Navaratnamala" of Kalidasa. This recording is sourced from a live concert performed in 1972. We apologise for the poor audio quality - the sound has been "cleaned" to the best possible extent. The accompanists are:

Smt Radha Viswanathan - Vocal Support

Sri V.V.Subrahmanyam - Violin

Sri T.K.Murthy - Mridangam

Sri V.Nagarajan - Kanjira

Sri T.H.Vinayakaram - Ghatam

The meaning of the song:

Shankara, the embodiment of Naada, I constantly salute Thee, physically and mentally. Bestower of joy and the Essence of the Saama Veda (the best among the 4 Vedas), I repeatedly salute Thee. Lover of the noble "Saptaswara-Vidya" (music); verily do the seven notes emerge from Your Five Faces (Sadyojaata, Vaamadeva, Tatpurusha, Ishaana & Aghora), Destroyer of Death, Protector of the pure-hearted Tyagaraja!


This is from a live concert performed by Smt M.S.Subbulakshmi at The Music Academy, Madras, on 25th December, 1960. The accompanists are:

Radha Viswanathan - Vocal Support
