Here are Sarojini Devi’s living words while introducing Subbulakshmi in the film Meera


“I commend Subbulakshmi of the South to the people of the North. She is presenting the Hindi version of her Tamil film Meera.

Meera rightly belongs to the North though she belongs indeed to the whole world.

“Every child in India has heard about Subbulakshmi for the beauty of her voice, the magic of her personality, the gracious charity of her heart; but in the North she is still to be known, to be loved, to be honoured, to be cherished as one of the greatest artistes in India.

“I am speaking not in Hindi but in English of set purpose, because I want my words of commendation to reach the whole world and

not merely Northern India.

“I want my living words to go to the uttermost corners of the world so that people may realize how one great woman artiste in India has been able to move the hearts of millions and millions of

men and women by her songs. I expect, I believe the feeling roused in me will be roused in every one who hears the enchanting voice of this enchanting singer who is abundantly gifted. It may not be

known to many that that golden voice is an instrument of great causes.

“I had the privilege of seeing the Hindi version of her film Meera. It was pure enchantment against the back- ground of Rajput grandeur and Rajput chivalry. It was a true representation of Meera, nay it was Meera herself singing songs of devotion, of prayerful appeal. “The story of Meera is the story of India, the story of Indian Faith and devotion and ecstasy. Meera, the princess poetess of India has

no equal, no sequel rather, in any part of the world . . . Santa Theresa, Saint Cecilia, were great lovers of the mystic and had communion with Christ.

“Meera, she was one with her beloved Sri Krishna and Subbulakshmi’s performance is not the performance that gives the illusion of the reincarnation of the princess-poetess- lover of Sri

Krishna and for the two hours that we heard her singing the verses of Meera we felt that it was Meera herself come to life.

“And I am sure that whoever hears this wonderful voice, whoever watches the gestures of this wonderful artiste, whoever comes under the enchantment of her great gilts will agree with me that she is not an interpreter of Meera but Meera herself.

“I need no more words to commend her. She will take her to your hearts. You will cherish her; you will be proud that India in this generation has produced so supreme an artiste.”