July 6, 2014 - Melvin, KY

Post date: Jul 6, 2014 10:19:26 PM

July 6, 2014 – Elkhorn City, Kentucky

I crossed into Kentucky today! I’m sitting at the post office in Ashcamp, Kentucky, no population listed, but I just left Elkhorn, population 1050, where I found a US Bank and some cell reception. I pulled over and called my mom, since it’s been a few days since we have had cell service.

The guys and I have a plan, that if we don’t meet up right away in the designated town, we find the post office, because every town, no matter how small, has one. The churches have also been great spots for me to find a little shade. Yesterday, I stopped at a church where I could see the guys when they came by. There was a tree with a little shade right next to their church sign, so I set out my blanket with some strawberries and my book. I went to take a picture of the church sign and there was a typed message pinned to their bulletin board saying bikers were welcome to camp behind the church. Most of the towns are very welcoming. Doug did have a guy come up behind him and blast his horn. So there are a few people that aren’t too happy about it, but I think the friendly people outweigh the unfriendly.

We spent a long time in Virginia and it was beautiful! Last night we camped at a Community Center in Council, VA, right next to the playground. They let us drive our car in on the grass and park where we pitched our tents. We were able to use their showers next to the swimming pool until they closed at 5pm. Then they locked the gates at the entrances until 8am this morning. They even left a different set of bathrooms unlocked for us all night. For me, this trip is all about the next bathroom stop! Speaking of bathrooms, the first time I sat on that toilet, it tipped forward. Not sure what was wrong with it, but I was very careful after that. Another toilet story- We filled up with gas at Davenport, VA this morning, then I drove the guys a few more miles to Bee, VA where they left off yesterday. Then I went back to the Davenport gas station to get a few groceries. I was hoping to use their restroom before I got back on the road. I didn’t see one, so I got my groceries and took them to the counter and asked the lady if there was a restroom I could use. She handed me a key and told me where it was. She said it will say ‘out of order’, but just go on in. When I found the door, it was locked and said ‘employees only’, ’out of order’,’ no public restroom’. So I felt very fortunate she let me use it!

Well, I have 5.5 miles to go to meet up for lunch in Lookout, Kentucky.


We found a spot to eat next to the Volunteer Fire House and next to a veteran’s memorial. There is more litter in this part of Kentucky than we saw in Virginia. There are also many signs saying littering is not allowed. There seems to be a problem with that here. I spent part of our lunch break cleaning up around the memorial and collected 2 small sacks of trash. This leg of the trip had us going up very steep inclines, part of the way on a one-lane road with tight corners. I think I liked driving down the interstate and meeting up better, but it is really interesting to see all the little communities. I've lost track of how many different abandoned vehicles I've seen that have become part of the landscape with vines growing all around. I've seen a school bus, an excavator, and many cars like that. After meeting up in Melvin, KY after the ride, we drove for an hour to get to a motel in Prestonsburg, KY. The route is in a real remote part of Kentucky right now-so no air-conditioned McDonald’s for me to pass the time.

In case I don't have internet tomorrow, I want to wish my daughter, Kristin, and her husband, Zach, a very happy 2nd anniversary tomorrow! 7/7/14.