2015-07-13 Day 15: Animals, Geysers, and Falls - Oh My!

Post date: Jul 14, 2015 1:39:03 AM

The wonder that is Yellowstone. After riding the last 7 days straight, we took a day off the bikes. And a fine day at that.

We rode a tour bus around the southern loop of the park and saw everything that makes Yellowstone famous. Lots of bison, elk, and even some trumpeter swans. We walked the West Thumb Geyser Basin and of course the Upper Geyser Basin where we had to see Old Faithful erupt. It is required when you take a tour here to see that. It is all good. The best part of the day was seeming the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone including the Lower Falls. It is one of those Wow spots. What a treat. Our tour guide, Niki, was probably about my age and has spent her whole life in and around the park. It is really great when someone is passionate about their job. She certainly was.

Tomorrow it is back to the bikes and westward.