2014-07-19:Day 24 The Mighty Mississippi, Neunert, IL to Coffman, MO

Post date: Jul 20, 2014 12:12:14 PM

Saw the Mississippi River for the first time today. This is the river of Huckleberry Finn, Big Jim, and Mark Twain. More importantly, it is the river of my childhood. Having lived in St. Louis for the first 9 years of my life, I remember how big and wide and muddy this river always looked. It strangely seems comfortable to see it again even after all these years. Jon and I opted for a route that would allow us to ride the levees far out in the flood plains of the Mississippi. We rode along the river for about 12 miles. Saw a number of freight ships moving coal.

I also met Popeye today. It was the post-Spinach Popeye cause he had a really strong hand shake. Met Popeye in the form of a bronze statue at Chester, IL where we crossed the bridge to get over the river. This town is literally loony tunes over Popeye and all the rest of his side kicks. We saw statues of all of them in marble around town. The Popeye museum is also along the route. E.C. Segars the creator of Popeye lived in Chester and you will find murals everywhere honoring the cartoon.

If you known your geography, you know that when we crossed the Mississippi, we entered our 4th state. So here I am in Missouri. After riding just 30 miles into the state, it looks like the Ozarks may provide a challenging ride. We will be doing significant climbing the next few days. For now that can wait. We drove about 50 miles north and are camping at a KOA about 20 miles out of St. Louis. Tomorrow we plan a day off the bikes. Instead, it will be a wonderful walk down memory lane for me. We are going to attempt to find the 3 primary houses (Treadway Lane, Greendale, and Conway Road) along with the associated schools where I spent my childhood years in the 1960(s). Then Teresa wants to see the Gateway Arch and we plan to take in the St. Louis Cardinals vs. the Dodgers at Busch Stadium tonight.

Here is what I will remember about Illinois:

      • The private ferry ride across the Ohio at Cave In Rock, IL
      • The ride along the Mississippi highlighted by the ride along the levees and by the tug boats pushing huge barges of coal.
      • Everyone in Chester, IL is crazy about Popeye.