2015-07-11 Day 13: Togwotee Pass - Tetons, Debois to Moran Junction, WY

Post date: Jul 12, 2015 3:00:42 AM

Miles Today: 50 Total Miles: 675

I want to start today with a thank you to all of you that made pledges to this ride. I thought about each of you yesterday while I was struggling against the wind. It really helped to keep me going knowing that every mile I rode would help 10 Thousand Windows in their efforts to free women from the sex industry. If you would still like to make a pledge either per mile or a fixed amount, send me an email at hillhops@gmail.com. We have links on this website under the Charitable Donations tab if you want more information.

Yesterday was a rough day but today is a new day. You have not lived until you have cruised on a bike down Togwotee Pass at 9,584 feet down into the Teton Basin. Today, we had the pure joy of doing just that. For 10 miles, I knew I needed to watch the road but I couldn't keep my eyes off those mountains. So my attention span when something like this: glance at the road ahead, gawk at the magnificent mountains ..... road glance, wow the mountains, fantastic mountains, ..... road, mountains, mountains, mountains.... Oh my. Am I really cruising at 40 mph? Look at those mountains! The Tetons are unbelievable even after I have seen them several times before.

Togwotee Pass is our 5th crossing of the continental divide. Only 30 miles of climbing got that done. Twenty five miles into that climb a white pickup pulled up and stopped by the side of the road. It was Ken and Joan stopping to wish us a safe ride. We met and talked with them throughout dinner last night back in Debois. They were up in the mountains today fishing. They gave us some advice - don't sleep in a tent in the parks; there are just too many grizzles. We had to tell them - sleeping on the ground is exactly what we planned to do for the next 4 nights. Tomorrow we ride into Yellowstone!