Day 11; Sun. 7/6, The Appalachians

Post date: Jul 8, 2014 1:30:47 AM

Wow, today involved six climbs and my tracking app said we gained exactly 6,000 feet. No wonder my legs are exhausted. The wider valleys of Virginia have narrowed in Kentucky and I've seen rail cars loaded with coal. The roads mostly have no shoulder but cars are courteous and the hospitality continues. We're not the only ones on this adventure. We talked with a cyclist from Corvallis, OR on his way to New York, another from Sioux City and finally leap-frogged Mike for the last time who was from Pittsburg. Kentucky seems more populated along the route than Virginia was. Yup, we've seen some Confederate flags and cars on blocks but also beautifully manicured lawns and people sitting on porches waving. Campgrounds and motels are sparse on the route here so we had to drive a bit to stay in Prestonsburg, KY. Hello from the Bluegrass State.