2015-07-14 Day 16: Riding Bikes With A Bison, Grant Village, WY to Hebgen Lake, MT

Post date: Jul 15, 2015 12:10:22 AM

Miles Today: 73. Miles Total: 813

I rode a tandem bike with a bison today. He insisted that he wanted to be in the front. Since he weighted about 2000 pounds, I did not argue with him. To tell you the truth, I think I did all the pedaling. Don't tell him I told you this because he might be offended. It was his road and he set the pace by walking right down the center and sometimes the side of the lane that I was trying to use. I thought about trying to pedal by him but I just could not imagine getting within 5 feet of a creature that was so huge. So, he walked down the road and I kept one car as a shield between him and me. Really fun.

We opted to blow out of Yellewstone today. In the process we crossed the continental divide for the 7th and 8th time on this trip. We also left Wyoming behind. We slept in lots of different types of places last summer. Well tonight, Jon and I have a new one to add to the list. We are sleeping in what was sold as a floating cottage on Hebgen Lake just at the edge of the Bitterroot Mountains in Montana. I would describe this place as a floating cube perhaps 15 feet by 6 feet. It has a bunk bed and a table that converts to a queen side bed ( like a motor home). It also has a toilet closet and a kitchen surface with a burner. No water but it does have electricity. Very cool.