2015-07-20 Day 22: The Turn, Hamilton to Lolo Hot Springs, MT

Post date: Jul 22, 2015 6:47:18 PM

Miles Today: 64. Total Miles: 1154

Jon and I have been riding mostly north for the past 3 days with the Bitterroot Mountains on our left. It hasn't felt right. We are trying to get to the Pacific to the west. Today however, we made the turn we have been waiting for. A left turn on Highway 12 got our bikes facing west and headed into the mountains. We will spill over Lolo Pass tomorrow morning into Idaho. I did try the hot springs this evening after passing on the last two on the route. Very nice at 106 degrees coming right out of the mountain side.

It is no surprise we had to come to the north to penetrate the mountains. We have been following the path of the Corp of Discovery for the past four days. Just like us, they were lead here by the Indians to follow the Lolo Trail, a passage through the mountains that had been used by Native Americans for centuries. Today's Highway 12 parallels that route. It's the best way through the rugged mountains and valleys that define western Montana and central Idaho.

By the way, I left the Lewis and Clark story a couple of days ago when Sacagawea recognized Beaverhead Rock. The expedition did find her tribe after 3 days about 20 miles south of current Dillion, MT. They had an incredibly fortunate and lucky event in a meadow there. When the chief of the tribe was brought to the group, Sacagawea and the chief recognized each other. They were brother and sister who had not seen each other since her abduction by a warring tribe. This reunion virtually assured Lewis and Clark would get the horses they needed to cross the mountains. The exact place this reunion occurred can no longer be visited. It is now under Clark Reservoir created when the Beaverhead River was dammed.