Day 4; Sun. 6/29, Climbing Up Into the Blue Ridge

Post date: Jun 29, 2014 11:19:37 PM

"Oh Shenandoah, I long to see you . . ." and I did! Climbing up out of Charlottesville after a restful splurge spending the night at Holiday Inn Express in Orange, VA, we began 1 of 2 days of climbing. The country reminded me of west Washington County, OR except instead of the coastal range to climb we have the Blue Ridge Mountains. A tasty peach and phone call to Deb quenched two thirsts, at least temporarily, and then we really did climb, a total of 4732 feet but vertical gain of about 3100. (Cyclists go both and then down then back up.) My thighs are reminding of me about this every time I descend the 5 steps from our "Royal Oak" rustic cabin, tonights sleeping accommodations, located in Love, VA, just of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our internet is snails-pace slow so will try to get some pictures tomorrow.