July 14, 2014 - Leitchfield, KY

Post date: Jul 14, 2014 11:24:51 PM

Well- Debbie left to head back home today. She got a rental car and is driving to the St. Louis, Missouri airport. Praying safe travels for her as she has a long day ahead of her.

We stopped in Sonora, KY for lunch today, population 350. The only places I could see to eat in town were the gas station deli and Bucksnort Café (not making that up.) We decided we had to try Bucksnort Café. There were 3 people sitting at tables waiting for their food. We went up to the window in the kitchen and the lady behind the counter informed us that they were just about out of food for lunch, so she directed us up across the railroad tracks, turn right and look for the grocery store- you can’t miss it. The grocery store is actually a restaurant, they just haven’t changed the name. The guys jumped back on their bikes and I got in the car. I drove slowly and still missed it. Doug and Jon found someone out front to talk to, so they found it before I did. The grocery store sign was missing a few letters and it was part of a longer building. There was a sign in the window that said Marlboros sold here. I can tell you that Marlboros are smoked in there, too.

We had a yummy lunch. While we were eating, 2 bikers from London came in. We had a nice chat with them. They are riding to the east coast and started June 4, riding about 80 miles a day. Doug and Jon are doing about 60/day with a few days off here and there. Before we left, a lady came by and wanted us to sign her notebook. Her grandmother opened the restaurant and started having bikers sign her book in 1979. The last signature was a guy from Belgium a week ago.

Even though we have been in motels the last 4 nights, while Debbie was here, we opted for a motel again tonight, as there is a likelihood of thunderstorms this evening. The weather looks better starting tomorrow, so we will be camping again for a bit.