2014-07-01: Day 6 The Catawba Valley, Buchanan to Christiansburg

Post date: Jul 2, 2014 1:37:49 AM

Mileage Today: 67 Total Mileage: 356 miles

I was not mentally ready for today. I really did not look at the maps before we took off. I had in mind that the ride would be easier after clearing the Blue Ridge. It was not. We rode 67 miles today, had a total elevation gain of 4620 feet, and finished with a steep 700 foot climb into Christiansburg. Our longest day on the bike 5.5 hours and our highest mileage yet. Along the route, we rode out of the Shenandoah Valley into the Catawba Valley, a narrow valley with roughly 3000 foot mountains on each side. It was lovely. However, the valley floor which rose continuously was hilly and that was the problem. While gaining overall elevation we also were riding hills. So every uphill pull was followed by a slightly smaller downhill roll, then another big uphill and another slightly smaller downhill. For every overall foot of absolute elevation gained, we had to climb it twice. The pattern repeated for many iterations over many miles. By lunch at 42 miles, we were flamed out. Teresa picked us up in the car and we headed to find some lunch. Foot long Subway sandwiches, cookies, chips, two glasses of sweet tea, an hour in the air conditioning, and Jon's suggestion that we try to get to Christiansburg, got us back on the road.

We had a mile stone today, watch the video.

We have an internet connection tonight and I have updated the past two days pics. If you want to see larger version of the pics that I am inserting, click on the pic.