July 28 – Eureka, KS population 2,483 – Doug’s Birthday!

Post date: Jul 28, 2014 10:57:49 PM

The plan is to meet in Eureka for lunch today. We got off to another early start- I was up at 5:00am so I could take a shower. We camped and ended up being the only campers on the tent side of a park in Toronto, KS. The tent side had the flush potties and showers. The RVs had water/electric at their sites. My shower ended up being a cold one, which would have felt really good yesterday afternoon. The Katydids are really loud in the trees at night. I got to see one up close that decided to die up near the bathroom doors in a lighted area. I also had part of a big grasshopper in the front grill of my car when we stopped in Coyville yesterday. Lucky I got a picture because at the next stop he was gone. Speaking of Coyville, it is the oldest town in Wilson County, dating back to 1864. They claim many ‘firsts’ for the county including the first hanging. This is all explained on a big sign at the city park. So you don’t want to get in trouble in Coyville.

We saw a beautiful sunset last night over the lake at the campsite. There were 2 campsites near the water and since no one was there we were able to walk over and sit at those picnic tables and watch it. We could have camped there, but those sites were more expensive and far away from the bathrooms.