2015-07-12 Day 14: Yellowstone, Moran Junction to Grant Village, Yellowstone, WY

Post date: Jul 13, 2015 2:57:42 AM

Miles Today: 58. Total Miles: 734

Woke up this morning at my usual 5:00 am. 45 minutes before the alarm. I hope someday my brain wiring changes and allows me to sleep in. I glanced out the tent towards the Grand Teton and unfortunately see that the top of the point is up in the clouds. Boo! Mt. Moran looks awesome however.

Temperatures continue to be really cool. It's been in the low 40(s) at night with highs in the 60(s) or 70(s). Perfect riding weather but it is difficult to climb out of the sleeping bag. Jon and I start out with 3 layers on and strip as we ride.

The Tetons were stunning today. We entered Yellowstone and rode about 20 miles into the park. No big animals except a couple of deer today. Met a couple from Portland, Eva and Loren, who were riding a ???. I had to go ask him what he even called it. I have attached a picture. He called this a tricycle and spent the last 4 years building it from parts that came from various other vehicles. The back end of this thing is a 1928 Dodge. I told him I would reintroduce myself if I see him in Portland.

We have met a surprising number of folks from Portland including a rider today who is riding to Hillsboro. Crazy.