2014-02-12 Winter Doldrums

Post date: Feb 13, 2014 5:50:35 AM

A really dry December and even drier January, actually provide some surprise opportunities to get some winter miles into my legs. I seize every chance to get in a dry ride. December's total is 350 miles. January's is 395. I really have ridden at every dry opportunity but ultimately averaging 370 miles a month bears little resemblance to the 360 miles every week that we plan for next summer. It's just not possible while working full time to simulate the stress that will be put on my body this summer.

In January, my right knee grew increasingly unhappy with me. After describing my knee issues with the Athletic Trainer at my school, she encourages me to start stretching. I had to admit to this point, I had done no stretching. My pride is screaming "Come on. I'm 53. I don't need to stretch." But in reality, stretching seems to really put it on a better track.

This picture was taken from the seat of my bike at sunrise early one frosty January morning.

To this point I have ridden 3,500 training miles.