2014-07-03: Day 8 Mechanical Problems, Max Meadow to 28 miles From No Where

Post date: Jul 3, 2014 8:19:27 PM

Mileage Today: 28 Total Mileage: 425

We decided this morning to ride over the next big mountain pass (3600 feet) about 50 miles to the southwest and then glide downhill to Kamarock, VA another 5 miles. We also decided to go ahead and take tomorrow (July 4th) off, find a small town parade, maybe some fireworks, and let our bodies rest.

But Murphy had other plans for us today. Just before we began the biggest ascends, a loud pop and a broken chain on Jon's bike stopped our forward progress. There are few absolutes in life but here is one of them. BIKES DO NOT GO VERY FAR WITHOUT A CHAIN. Jon and I both brought an extra chain for our bikes. So, we were prepared. However the broken chain caught up in the front derailleur and bent it. As we were there attempting to make adjustments to

the derailleur a couple from Long Island, NY stopped to help. They were Jerry and Natalie and were riding all the way to Astoria, OR on fully loaded bikes. Jerry had spent time at Nike in Beaverton one summer and wanted to show his fiancé Oregon. No luck with the derailleur. Time to find a bike shop. Teresa came by and we loaded the bikes and headed back to Draper, VA where Jon purchased a tail light yesterday. Yesterday, Jon had had a long conversation with the owner because he also had ridden the TransAmerican bike route a couple of years ago.

So, we are back in Draper, VA hanging out at the Mercantile that was pictured in my log yesterday. They have an old time restuarant with excellent desserts. The bike shop owner actually closed his shop for 15 minutes just to go and get a new derailleur for Jon down the highway He got the derailleur, installed it, and the bike is back to working condition. Now that is service. Kudos to Thomas at the Draper Mercantile Bike Shop. If you are in the area and need bike information or bike equipment or bike repairs, I highly recommend his shop.

Tonight we are camping at the Hungry Mother State Park just outside of Marion, VA. There is a story behind that name but it is too long to include here. If interested, ask when we eventually get back to Oregon.

Just one other point tonight. The Draper Bike Shop is just one example of how well the TransAmerican Riders are supported within Virginia. The businesses along the route reach out to riders. But it is more than the businesses, the public seems very welcoming and friendly from stopping to provide route information, to turning off lawn mowers so they don't blow grass clippings on bikers, to stopping by to say hi and introduce themselves. We have seen at this point about 10 other TransAmerican riders so far on the route.

Finally, I have attached a final pic. Can anyone younger than 20 explain how to operate the device in this pic?