Days 34-35; Tue.-Wed., 7/29-30, Quick Update

Post date: Jul 31, 2014 12:58:41 AM

Doug & I are still pedaling away in Kansas. Today light rain started at 10 am and continued until we stopped but we just kept going. In fact, we had our fastest pace, averaging 14.5 mph over the 87 mile ride. We've picked up our distance and pace as the land has flattened out. In order to beat the heat and wind we've started rising at 5:30 am in order to be pedaling sooner, somewhere around 7:15 am. Also, we're only about 330 miles from our goal of Pueblo, CO. Scenery of farmlands, oil pumps, and cattle are everywhere. Last night stayed at a city park in Buehler and enjoyed a swim in the pool. Welcoming people in Kansas. I had a long talk with the fix-it man in the laundromat while my clothes were washing and read Doug's blog for another great conversation. It's these conversations that have made this trip so interesting.