2014-06-21 Knoxville, TN

Post date: Jun 22, 2014 1:55:50 AM

We've been driving all day, every day since Tuesday. It's been a fun trip across the country. We have located the houses Doug grew up in along the way - Tulsa, OK, Memphis, TN and Little Rock, AR so far. We also walked around the campus of Doug's 1st college- Hendrix College in Conway, AR. It's been a trip down memory lane for him and fun for me to see the places I've heard so much about. Today we ate lunch with his good friends from the Hendrix days who live in Nashville, TN.

Some interesting things we've seen along the way- the beautiful mountains of Utah, snow in Colorado, a crop dusting plane flying low over a field and under low power lines, going back and forth in eastern Oklahoma, huge swarms of bats hanging out around the overpasses in Oklahoma, the oil pumps in the farm fields of Kansas and Oklahoma, a rooster running around and crowing at the McDonald's drive through in Little Rock, AR, and amazing thunder and lightening in Tennessee two different times today.

One thing I don't like- the big trucks passing with us under the overpasses- it always looks like they are too tall to fit under.

I celebrated a milestone birthday yesterday in Little Rock, AR. We stayed in the Crown Plaza Hotel and ate at Outback Steakhouse. Doug parked the car and came in wearing a sweatshirt even though it was extremely hot and humid. He had my present hiding under it. He gave me a mushy card that made me cry and a dog dish and a big book on dog breeds that he had wrapped and been lugging around in his luggage. I have been angling for us to get another dog. So I'm exited that he is ready to do that. I am going to name the dog after one of the towns we pass through on this bike route.